Simracer - 2nd impact!

Dear Pilots.
We are happy today to officially launch our brand new website which brings its share of new features and which has other surprises in store for you to come.
The spirit of L'Atelier du Simracer is in full swing, count on us to be closer to you with our new range of products AND services.
We are taking an important step in the development of all our future Made In France projects.
Our brand new product is now available!
Le Load Cell for T3pa/TGT and T3pa-Pro perfectly reflects our design philosophy.
Welcoming an all-metal module with proprietary electronics, our Load Cell paves the way for our next achievements.
We also offer you more service by adding the possibility of making a request for assembly of all our Mods with a personalized follow-up.
But stay connected on our social networks because very soon we will announce other news.
We will never thank you enough for your trust and loyalty over all these years, which have always motivated us to move forward.
- The Simracer Workshop team.
Bonjour l'équipes, J'ai une question primaire j'aimerais savoir sil 'il faut attendre pour pouvoir avoir ce fameux Load Cell T3pa-Pro. Sur le site ou faire une demande après de vos services car j'aimerais l'archer le matériels complet qui est vendu a 130e Load Cell T3pa-Pro est il est toujours en rupture ..... Merci d'avance Cordialement Emeric.
Bonjour, Les mods pour l'accélérateur et l'embrayage sont ils avec le load cell ou faut il les prendre à part? Merci par avance